Sharing Page Three

Just For Today...
"Steps Eight and Nine are concerned with personal relations.
First, we take a look backward and try to discover where we have been at fault;
next we make a vigorous attempt to repair the damage we have done;
and third, having thus cleaned away the debris of the past, we consider how...
we may develop the best possible relations with every human being we know.
Learning how to live in the greatest peace, partnership,
and brotherhood with all men and women, of whatever description,
is a moving and fascinating adventure."
from "Just For Today" daily postings,
which I receive in my e-mail
and it helps me keep perspective...
Check out these links...
AA History Homepage
Just For Today E-mail
type "join JFT" in the 'Subject' line of the message
(the subject line, not the main body)
Working the above steps is incredibly humbling for me,
and possibly the most powerful help in my life.
I am forever grateful to all those amazing individuals
who help me on my journey for peace of mind and heart.
This Program gives me positive tools to work at who I choose to be,
to see and accept when I slip up,
courage to make any amends,
and the ability to live my life one-day-at-a-time.
Try it, it works.
E-MAIL me sometime
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